At Cascade Security, we believe security training and continuous improvement is critical to provide superior security services and attract and retain the best officers and staff.
CSI offers Initial DPSST Armed Certification (Upgrade) and Armed Biannual Refresher training.
Students must have completed the DPSST unarmed certification class as a prerequisite and hold a valid unarmed certification.
The initial upgrade is a 24 hour class broken up into three 8-hour days...two days in the classroom and one day on the range. Day 1 includes range time in the afternoon.
While at the range, you are required to qualify with the firearm and duty gear you use on the job, such as vests, etc.
Do not wear your duty belt/firearm into the classroom. Use a duty bag or gun case.
Equipment required for training includes:
Reliable duty pistol you use on the job, no revolvers
Firearms must be unloaded and in a case or duty bag
LVL 2 or better retention holster - MUST HAVE RETENTION
3 magazines regardless of capacity
150-300 rounds of ammunition.
Full duty belt with keepers
Primary and secondary flashlight
Eye and ear protection
Full length pants, no shorts
Sturdy footwear
Kneepads (optional)
Cleaning kit
Water / Lunch
Check our class schedule below and sign up to reserve your space. Contact us for customized or group sessions.
CSI offers Initial DPSST Armed Certification (Upgrade) and Armed Biannual Refresher training.
Students must have completed the DPSST unarmed certification class as a prerequisite and hold a valid unarmed certification.
The initial upgrade is a 24 hour class broken up into three 8-hour days...two days in the classroom and one day on the range. Day 1 includes range time in the afternoon.
While at the range, you are required to qualify with the firearm and duty gear you use on the job, such as vests, etc.
Do not wear your duty belt/firearm into the classroom. Use a duty bag or gun case.
Equipment required for training includes:
Reliable duty pistol you use on the job, no revolvers
Firearms must be unloaded and in a case or duty bag
LVL 2 or better retention holster - MUST HAVE RETENTION
3 magazines regardless of capacity
150-300 rounds of ammunition.
- No reloads or remanufactured ammunition
- No ammo in classroom
Full duty belt with keepers
Primary and secondary flashlight
Eye and ear protection
Full length pants, no shorts
Sturdy footwear
Kneepads (optional)
Cleaning kit
Water / Lunch
Check our class schedule below and sign up to reserve your space. Contact us for customized or group sessions.
Please fill out either the "Initial" or "Refresher" DPSST Armed Training Sessions forms below.
DPSST Initial Armed Upgrade
(24 hour class for New Applicants) Please call for dates $395.00 |
DPSST Armed Refresher
(4-Hour Bi-Annual Training) June 24th, 9am $225.00 |
Our classes are open to individuals and organizations within the security, private investigation and law enforcement professions. Customized class dates available. Sign up with your contact information and we will contact you to confirm your place. Call or email us with any questions. |